The European Labour Authority (ELA) was established to assist Member States and the European Commission in ensuring that the European Union rules on labour mobility and the coordination of social security systems are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way.
The European Labour Authority plays an important role in facilitating and ensuring effective labour mobility in Europe, in particular through EURES activities.
The free movement of workers and services is one of the pillars of the European Union and it is considered one of the main achievements of EU integration. It provides workers and employers with the opportunity to seek work and provide services across the EU/EEA.
In order to ensure that the fundamental right of free movement works in practice and brings transparent mobility opportunities to workers and employers, there are rules and regulations that need to be complied with.
Their effective implementation in Member States requires structured cooperation and exchange of information between the competent national authorities, as well as carrying out of joint activities such as joint labour inspections or training of national staff on cross-border mobility rules.
The European Labour Authority (ELA) was established in July 2019, and since September 2021, its seat has been located in Bratislava, Slovakia.